We will serve God

நாங்கள் தேவனையே சேவிப்போம்

We will serve God | நாங்கள் தேவனையே சேவிப்போம்

Main Quotation: Psalm 22:10

Reference Quotes: Psalm 22:10, Luke 23:39-44


  • David faced many afflictions, yet he inclined towards God all the time.
  • We have to make a call like Joshua. He said: As for me and my household we will serve God.
  • There is an end to everyone's life. So without making excuses we should move forward.
  • Grace and Mercy come through Jesus. 
  • Satan's trick is to make a small change in our direction and then as we go on with our live we will go on a wrong direction and the end will be a disaster.



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நாங்கள் தேவனையே சேவிப்போம் | We will serve God
June 17, 2018 - தமிழ் ஆங்கில மொழிகளில்
We will serve God
Pastor Ranjit Constantine