The Light, that gives light to everyman

எந்த மனுஷனையும் பிரகாசிப்பிக்கிற ஒளி

The Light, that gives light to everyman | எந்த மனுஷனையும் பிரகாசிப்பிக்கிற ஒளி

Main Quotation: John 1:9

Reference Quotes: John 1:9, Matthew 5:14, 1 Peter 5:5


Word of God is not just for knowledge only but we need to put of practice, it has to be food in my life.

If you watch carefully, there will be situation during the week that you can apply God’s message.

There is eternal life in Jesus with power and authority.

Might angels like Cherubim and Seraphim, know the deeds of God and praise Him.

Jesus is the True light and there is no darkness in Him.

Thirst of my soul can only be quenched by the blood of Christ.

If a place is clean then there cannot be any dirt – likewise if the light of Christ is within then there cannot be any darkness.

If we are of God, then we don’t have any dealing with the things of this world, which are not of God.

A little bit of filth in my life, then there will be stench everything else.

We should stand for testing, should not hasty and wait for the Lord.

If we are of Christ and be like Christ.

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எந்த மனுஷனையும் பிரகாசிப்பிக்கிற ஒளி | The Light, that gives light to everyman
March 6, 2016 - தமிழ் ஆங்கில மொழிகளில்
The Light, that gives light to everyman
Pastor Ranjit Constantine